Publication of Employment Tribunal Judgments

You have always been able to attend the Bury St Edmunds Employment Tribunal Office to view decisions made in the English and Welsh Employment Tribunals.  You attended in person and paid a fee, whereas Employment Appeal Tribunals decisions have been available online,...

Asda and equal pay

If you work in the private sector and have always done so, there is a fair chance that you’ve probably never had to actually deal with an equal pay claim. You’ve probably understood the Equal Pay Act 1970 and the Equality Act 2010 that implement the principle that men...

Prediction on fathers rights proved correct

When the shared parental leave legislation was introduced creating the potential for fathers to take extended periods of leave, I predicted that it would only be a matter of time before a gentleman argued that an employer who paid him merely at the statutory parental...

The role of HR and Legal Advisors in an Investigation

We’ve had a run of cases where the courts have been considering what the appropriate roles are of those who may be involved in an investigation process.  The first case to be aware of was that of Chhabra v West London Mental Health NHS Trust [2013].  The Supreme Court...

Reminder – sickness and holidays

I always find issues come along like buses and recently I’ve seen examples of employees who have been genuinely unwell during a period of time they had booked holiday, being denied the opportunity to reclaim that holiday time to use at a later stage. Then I saw...